Health alert as 36 minors hospitalized with respiratory problems

Health authorities are on the alert after the increase in minors hospitalized for complications from respiratory viruses, which have had a dangerous rise in recent weeks reports TVN.
Currently, 36 children are hospitalized for different respiratory symptoms at the “Omar Torrijos Herrera” Pediatric Specialties Hospital of the Social Security Fund (CSS), four of them are due to influenza and the others due to respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and metapneumovirus.
Dr. Isis Castillo, epidemiology coordinator, said that influenza began to decline in the epidemiological curve that is followed in the hospital, however, other respiratory viruses have gained strength in the last week.
He stressed that there is no specific treatment against these respiratory viruses and that the “Omar Torrijos Herrera” Pediatric Specialties Hospital recommends maintaining preventive measures, such as hand washing and the use of a mask in crowded places.
“To say that there is a control of the influenza virus is premature, it has only been declining for a week and must be sustained for three weeks; however, it is possible that the trend will continue, due to the massive vaccination carried out in recent weeks,” said the pediatrician.
The most vulnerable children are those with chronic diseases, mainly asthma, heart disease, or premature, so parents are recommended to go to vaccination centers before being exposed to the virus.
In case of presenting respiratory symptoms, such as constant cough, general malaise, and sustained fever, visit a health facility to receive medical attention.
So far 27 people have died from the influenza virus so far this year in the country. Four of them were minors between the ages of 4 and 11. It was reported that none of the deceased was vaccinated, so the authorities reiterate the importance of going to hospitals to receive the vaccines that are part of the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI).