Dirty donations a gateway to corruption !


Dirty donations to electoral campaigns are the gateway to corruption. In Panama, donations from drug trafficking, although their existence is not recognized, are present and the best proof is the officials arrested for activities related to this scourge. Some even close ranks, as happened in the National Assembly, where there was strong opposition to the approval of a law on the extinction of illegal assets, a project promoted by the United States, given the repercussions that drug trafficking in Panama has in North America or the danger that there is for neighboring countries, because of criminal gangs with power in the Government. A joint effort by society and honest politicians is needed to stop the spread of corruption and for this, it is important to carefully examine donations to candidates or political parties. It is urgent to provide technological instruments, experts, and tools to the electoral authority to verify the information that the parties provide about their donations. Why do we have to believe them if many of the officials who come out of their ranks are incapable of being accountable for the use of public funds? – LA PRENSA, Jun.23.