University rector heads march of professors, students and administrators on MEF


Students, professors, and administrators from the University of Panama (UP) marched on the morning of  Wednesday, June 21, towards the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), on Via España.

The march was called by the rector, Eduardo Flores, to demand a better budget for the university.

Specifically, the UP asked the MEF to approve the budget of $389 million for 2024, which includes an increase of 35 million dollars, in to face the growth of the university population of 100,000 students.

“This is the clamor of the university students, we want to build a quality public university,” said Rector Flores. He added that classrooms, laboratories, and buildings need to be maintained.

“The nations that invest the most in education have optimal levels of growth, progress, and development”, said the rector.

Upon arriving at the MEF, the rector met with representatives of the entity to address the request made.

Meanwhile, the students chanted slogans on the ministry premises, “This fight is not for one, the fight is for all.”