Trump classified documents trial set for August 14


Judge Aileen Connor, in charge of the trial of former US president Donald Trump, for the classified documents found in his Florida home, announced a period of two weeks from August 14 in Fort Pierce, 208 kilometers from Miami.

In an order signed  Tuesday, the judge points out that if the start is delayed, it will be held “as soon” as possible.

The deadline for the defense and the prosecution to present requests in relation to the trial is July 24, and a hearing will be held on August 8 to address calendar issues.

Trump was charged on June 13 with 37 federal criminal offenses for mishandling official documents after leaving the Presidency of the United States).

Of the 37 charges, of which Trump pleaded not guilty, 31 are for knowingly withholding documents related to the defense of the United States, but he is also accused of obstructing justice and “corruptly” concealing documents or records.

Some of the crimes are punishable by a maximum of 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Trump is the first president or former president in United States history to be criminally charged by federal justice.

Judge Cannon, who is of Colombian and Cuban origin and was appointed by Trump, has her court in Fort Pierce, which is why the trial will be held in that city in Palm Beach County, where Trump has his legal residence.