United opposition to Portobelo sand extraction

Residents, NGOs, and businessmen have united to question the environmental impact studies, to extract 14 million cubic meters of underwater sand in front of the Portobelo National Park in Colon.
At least 15 opposition complaints have been filed by locals, civil society and environmental organizations, and the business sector, who are asking the Ministry of the Environment to reject the studies because the extraction of such a quantity of underwater sand would cause irreversible ecological damage to the tourist region.
To these writings, we must add the statements issued by various sectors and unions in the country, which urge respect for the country’s marine and coastal spaces.
On, Friday, the Panamanian Association of Business Executives (Apede) announced that it observes, with “extreme concern”, the underwater sand extraction operations on the Costa Arriba de Colón.
According to Apede, the province of Colón, especially its Costa Arriba, currently maintains an “important” tourist offer, although its full potential has not yet been exploited. All of this is at risk with an extraction such as the one proposed in Portobelo.
“Non-metallic extraction operations near coastal areas, national parks, communities, and tourist businesses generate adverse impacts, both on people, marine species, and beaches, as well as on the local economy,” Apede said.
Disastrous history
The union said that in the past concessions for this type of extraction have been authorized by the competent authorities, in areas such as Punta Chame, Panama Oeste, and the sector of the Las Perlas archipelago, with the disastrous consequences that can be seen today. today: eroded areas and reduction of beach strips.
The concern is shared by the Colon Chamber of Commerce which warns that due to the impact that would be generated a public consultation with the community is required.
The specific extraction points of the underwater sand requested by Grupo Los Farallones, S.A. are in the Portobelo district, between the townships of Cacique and Puerto Lindo.
The first study is for the extraction of underwater sand totals 1,418 hectares.
Some 16 environmental organizations issued a joint note asking that the extraction of sand in front of the protected area be rejected. Some of those who signed the note were the National Association for the Conservation of Nature (Ancón), the Center for Environmental Advocacy (Ciam), Sustainable Panama, Audubon Panama, and Promar.
For these NGOs, despite the fact that the EIAs recognize that there will be an alteration of the seabed, the direct, indirect, and synergistic impacts on the nearby beaches and coral reefs are not considered, all of them within the Portobelo National Park.