Wave of homicides a dangerous upturn – Security Minister


After the wave of murders that shook the Panamanian capital last week, Security Minister Juan Manuel Pino acknowledged that homicide crimes in the country have experienced a dangerous upturn in recent months. The head of the Security portfolio attributed it, among other things, to the breakdown of criminal organizations.

According to Pino, one of the possible factors that could be affecting the youth recruited by these criminal organizations is school dropout, as well as various socioeconomic factors, since many of these boys belong to humble social strata.

Regarding the innocent victims who have been caught up in this wave of violence, the minister assured that those responsible will pay for each of their crimes and he was confident in the work that the National Police has been carrying out up to now together with the Public Ministry.

Regarding the case of the taxi driver from Chilibre who was missing for several days and who later appeared killed by criminals, Pino said that thanks to the operations of the security forces, it was possible to find and arrest two suspects who are already under the orders of the competent authorities.

Regarding the disappearance of the girl Aderlyn Saldaña, the minister pointed out that this case is one of the highest priorities for both the National Police and the Public Ministry because it is a very sensitive issue.