PRD chooses VP Carrizo as the 2024 presidential runner


The presidential candidate of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) for the 2024 elections, José Gabriel Carrizo, addressed his supporters after his victory in the primaries on Sunday, June 11.

“ Today the road to victory begins, the victory of May 5, 2024, a new day in which the achievements reached during these 47 months must be taken into account, and reaffirm our unitary path, unity because in unity there has been the key to the country’s most important victories, ”he said.

He stressed that the PRD’s decision to propose him as its presidential candidate arises from the experience that demonstrates the capacity and maturity with which the bases of the party govern, dedication, capacity, and the character of teamwork.

He said that he will continue to guarantee food, health, citizen security, and security against climate risks and will face the crisis of the Social Security Fund, as part of his government’s plan.