OPINION: Panama – A failed democracy


While government politicians live the high life squandering hundreds of millions of dollars on “parallel decentralization”, in areas of the metropolis, as well as in the interior of the country, there are more than a quarter of a million people who do not have a daily plate of food, a situation that worsens in rural and regional areas. No one has given an explanation for the use of those funds, not even those who have received millions, mysteriously spent without the comptroller having lifted a finger to investigate the final destination of that money. It is very evident that the politicians who now want to repeat themselves or those who seek to climb to popularly elected positions do not give a damn about the fate of their most disadvantaged compatriots: they are only steps to support their feet while they ascend in search of the National Treasure. They don’t care about their problems or their security or whether they eat or not, if they get an education or not, if they have decent jobs or not. They don’t care, because in their minds and in their actions, they are first of all. Primaries or general elections do not matter as long as the same scoundrels are elected. That is why we are about to be a failed democracy. – LA PRENSA, June 12.