Influenza deaths climb to 10 including 3 minors


Deaths from the influenza virus in the country have risen to ten cases, among these three are minors, confirmed to TVN, the National Director of Health, Melva Cruz.

According to the official, the minors who died are between the ages of 8 and 11, reported in the provinces of Colón, Veraguas, and Panama Oeste (Arraiján).

Among the latest deaths are two adults, one aged 30 and one 42.

According to Cruz, as of week 20, there has been an increase in cases,  diagnosed by sentinel surveillance to approximately 400.

He added that, of the 10 cases of deaths, eight were unvaccinated and the other two are being investigated for their vaccination status, apart from this, they were patients at risk, of cardiovascular, obesity, and immunosuppression and one of the minors had a congenital malformation.