A crooked tree prevents media distribution


Once again, someone took on the task of preventing the free circulation of one of our newspapers, trying to hide them so that no one in the Capira sector would have the opportunity to know or divulge their content, which there was, by the way, news of great impact: the expulsion from Cambio Democrático (CD) of the deputy and general secretary of that party, Yanibel Ábrego.

The ruse – whose mastermind is not difficult to imagine – reveals a supine ignorance in terms of communication, since the seizure of the printed news did not prevent its dissemination through social networks or electronic media. But, beyond that, the action reveals the desperation to prevent the voters from finding out what is happening with this lady; obstructing the flow of information. It is not the first time that these situations have occurred in Capira with Corprensa editions and it will surely not be the last either, since the tree responsible for the trick has grown crooked all its life. And the result of the ruse is practically nil in its objective: to prevent the news of that day from being known. But it shows that far from being the love of her people –as she says–, people are beginning to see the stark intentions of this deputy. — LA PRENSA, June 8.