Fire Service paramedics continue highway blockage


The paramedics of the Fire Department concentrated on the Inter-American highway in Paso Canoas, have stated that they will maintain the protest actions with the closure of the road on the bridge over the Chiriquí Viejo river.

They said that they will not give free transit for heavy load drivers seeking to cross the Panamanian border with Costa Rica and who are destined for different Central American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, or Nicaragua.

The drivers have stated that they are already hard hit financially affected and they are waiting for the road to open so that they can continue transporting heavy goods.

They also indicated that their per diems are already running out and the cost of food is very high, which affects their economy on a large scale.

The Search and Rescue Prehospital Medical Care Service (Samer) of the Fire Department, reiterated that they expect a specific response from the institution’s general management.

They request that Law 354 of January 31, 2023, which regulates the profession of technicians and graduates in pre-hospital medical emergencies, be complied with, they demand that what is stipulated in the law be complied with to maintain a stable salary and their rights.