Firefighters continue protests after tardy response



Protest actions by firefighters of the Panama Fire Department continued through Wednesday and continue and with them, the pressure measures will increase, after not being convinced of the statements made by the government regarding the signing of the decree that makes promotions and other requests effective.

According to Cruz Gómez, leader of the firefighters, in the report that was presented to them, there is no type of sure commitment to what is being requested, which is the signing of the decree by  President Laurentino Cortizo and the schedule where it was clear that the firefighters would get paid, at what time and when.

Cruz Gómez said: “Since politics entered the Fire Department, it has not allowed it to advance”

He warned that security offices throughout the country will remain closed until the document is signed, the schedule is delivered, and the specifications for the purchase of personal protective equipment are clarified.

The continuation of the measures was approved by the bases, which held a meeting on Tuesday night.

Last week, the officials of the Panama Fire Department began the protest actions with the intention of complying with what was agreed with authorities at the beginning of the year, after a first stoppage of functions in search of justified promotions.