Border Service denies US troops are in Darien


Oriel Ortega, director of the National Border Service categorically denied that US troops are supporting the custody and protection of the Darién jungle after rumors emerged on social networks about the alleged sending of soldiers to this area by the White House in order to stop the migratory passage towards the United States.

“That is totally false, the National Border Service (Senafront) has territorial control of the nation on all its borders, both in the passage with Colombia and in Costa Rica,” Ortega asserted, adding that the function of this institution is to protect, guard, and maintain the country’s sovereignty in the face of possible conflicts with armed groups near the border.

Ortega also referred to the incident that took place last weekend near the Bajo Chiquito community in Darién where three armed individuals died after clashing with Senafront troops.

According to the investigations, it was the migrants themselves who alerted the authorities that a group of people dressed in black and with firearms were in the place who were engaged in stealing money, cell phones, and the few belongings of these people, taking advantage of their vulnerability.

Immediately, the Senafront deployed an operation in the area, managing to identify some tracks that led them to the place where these criminals were hiding. It was at that moment that the Panamanian units receive direct fire from these individuals who were ‘carrying 12-gauge shotguns and 38-gauge revolvers.  A confrontation ensued, resulting in the death of three people.

After the fact, the authorities were able to verify that these men had in their possession a significant amount of money and several cell phones that were presumed stolen from the migrants.

Ortega indicated that the deceased have indigenous features, so it will be necessary to wait for the Public Ministry to remove the corpses and proceed with the pertinent investigation to determine if they are nationals or foreigners.

He added that Senafront in conjunction with the National Aeronaval Service has intensified operations on the trail where migrants pass, as well as in the nearby communities of the migration zone that are exposed to the dangers of organized crime.