Lottery sellers demand cancellation of electronic version


Lottery sellers including hundreds bussed in from across the country descended on the  National Assembly on Thursday in a peaceful protest demanding that the electronic lottery be withdrawn.

“Currently we have a lottery where it has become difficult for us to sell, without any type of study and analysis, you plan to introduce another electronic lottery,” said Fernando Gonzalez, leader of the ticket vendors.

The vendors of lottery tickets began the protest at the National Lottery premises park, with banners, pots, and spoons, announcing; they are in mourning for these negotiations that affect their regular work.

The electronic lottery is the new modality that the National Charity Lottery (LNB) will have that will work technologically by a device called (Handheld), which will be kept exclusively by the ticket sellers to generate sales. According to the (LNB) statement, Tuesdays and Saturdays are the days that will be implemented for the new games called “Lotto” and “Pega 3”.