5.5 tons of cocaine seized in three-nation operation


A multinational operation involving Colombia, Panama, and the United States seized 5.5 tons of cocaine equivalent to $184 million the largest seizure in Caribbean waters so far in 2023.

The illegal merchandise was on board three vessels, which were intercepted separately.

During the first interception, a bag was seized that was thrown into the sea from a boat with approximately 1,900 kilos of cocaine hydrochloride; in a second, it was possible to locate a boat with 88 packages that contained more than 2.1 tons of cocaine inside, and in a third, where agents of the National Aeronaval Service (Senan) participated, during the pursuit 56 packages were located, with 1,367 kilos of the illicit substance.

In addition to Senan and the Colombian Air Force, the Joint Interagency Task Force of the United States Southern Command (JIATFS) also participated.