OPINION: Failed mayor living in a bubble


The mayor of the district of Panama seems to live in a bubble, and the rest of the citizens of the capital city have acute problems: lack of drinking water, streets that look like Swiss cheese, traffic jams, disorderly driving, abandonment of ornamentation, accumulated garbage –to which is now added the declaration of an environmental emergency in Cerro Patacón–, polluted air and a new land use plan that has been curtailed and postponed, which is why a non-existent plan is applied to some new areas or that has simply become obsolete or outdated. In many aspects, the capital city is in chaos and, although the solutions to these problems involve the intervention of multiple institutions, the mayor of the capital does not take a single initiative to lead his intervention in these matters and mediate solutions. Worse still, the problems that the Municipality of Panama could solve continue and have even worsened, due to the incompetence of this official. At the time of choosing his replacement in May 2024, hopefully, we will remember everything we have suffered in these last five years, in the worst mayoral administration in the capital. Now it is very clear why a year ago the mayor had to be removed when they had the opportunity to do so. – LA PRENSA, Apr. 12.