Rubén Blades earns major Spanish prize


The Panamanian singer-songwriter Rubén Blades, “father” of the song “Pedro Navaja” and considered one of the great chroniclers of the social and political reality of Latin America, has been awarded the La Mar de Músicas 2023 prize in Spain.

La Mar de Músicas, which has been held in the Spanish city of Cartagena (southeast) since 1998, is dedicated to hosting world music and each year it dedicates a part of its line-up to artists from a specific country.

Blades, a benchmark for music in Spanish, will collect his award on July 18, after performing in the contest, within his

The Mayoress of Cartagena, Noelia Arroyo, who announced the festival award on Tuesday, explained the award to Blades for “having affirmed the social meaning of popular dance music that led from the marginal to the political, becoming the great chronicler of the social and political reality of a Latin America that was reflected in a round and consistent work”.

Known as the poet of salsa, Blades is one of the most successful and prolific singer-songwriters in all of Latin America. Winner of 11 Grammys and another 10 Latin Grammys, he returns to Cartagena five years after his last concert at La Mar de Músicas.

Other awards
Rubén Blades is one of the most influential artists in Latin America, with more than 50 years of a musical career, who has received awards such as the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, or the Medal of Arts from Harvard University awarded for the first time to a Latin American artist.

Appointed United Nations ambassador against racism in 2000, he has never ceased to be a sensitive artist attentive to social issues, since he began composing in his teens.

La Mar de Músicas will present its 28th edition dedicated to Canada on April 20. That same day the season tickets and tickets for the festival will go on sale.