Panama’s impregnable wall of privilege

The identity of those who receive non-reimbursable economic aid from Ifarhu is being shielded, to such an extent that it will be almost impregnable information. First, the institution itself refused to give the identity of the beneficiaries, then the Supreme Court of Justice and now, the National Assembly. This information must be so compromising that there is a conspiracy by the three organs of the State to hide it. Some argue that it should not be disclosed because in many cases they are minors, but Ifarhu has not had any scruples when it has delivered and photographed and disseminated photos of many beneficiaries in communications and on networks. Also, what’s wrong with knowing the names, unless their parents made the profit through unorthodox means, in which case, they’ve had no problem linking their own children’s names to potential corruption scandals. So what kind of parent dirty their kids by exposing them to public ridicule? What the officials have done by burying the information about these economic aids is to protect their backs from present or future scandals, shielding information that, according to the Transparency Law, is public. – LA PRENSA, Apl. 3