Colon Free Zone grows 41.5% in first two months


The Colon Free Zone (ZLC) recorded a year-on-year growth of 41.5% during the first two months of the year, totaling $4.872 billion, exceeding $3.443 billion in 2022 and $2.433 billion in 2021.

The figure for the first two months exceeds the $2.846 billion dollars registered in 2019.

Continental China, the European Union, Singapore, the United States, Mexico, Hong Kong, and Vietnam are the main suppliers of the companies that operate in the ZLC, accounting for 71% of imports.

While Venezuela, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, the United States, and Honduras top the list of destinations that receive the most cargo from the free zone.

The sale of electronic products, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, perfumery and cosmetics, clothing in general, common metals, and alcoholic beverages remain among the main drivers of growth in the free zone.

Re-exports between January and February totaled $2.818 billion while imports reached $2.53 billion.