Politicians beyond the weight of the law



Finally, the National Assembly addresses the issue of the controversial bill that creates legislation for the extinction of the domain of illegal assets in the country, promoted by the Executive Branch.

This project seeks to recover, in favor of the State, assets, resources, active products, or values, whose origin is from illegal activities. Presented like this, the scope would even reach the ill-gotten assets of politicians who have stolen from the State and hence, precisely, the reluctance to discuss and approve this project, since many politicians, including Assembly deputies, would endanger the wealth they have accumulated, a product of the dispossession of the State. Now, the deputies are looking for a way to approve this project, but there is a risk that, along the way, its content will be mutilated to limit its scope and circumscribe it to assets obtained solely through drug trafficking and organized crime, ignoring the others. crimes, such as those against public administration, such as embezzlement and corruption. Once again, we see politicians protecting themselves, legislating for themselves, and avoiding falling prey to the law. And there is nothing more painful than seeing them hypocritically alleging supposed protection for citizens, when what they so clearly do is put themselves beyond the reach of the law.  LA PRENSA, Mar. 31.