Manslaughter verdict for PH explosion that killed a baby

A trial court handed down a guilty verdict for the crime of manslaughter for Heriberto Polo Garzón, Abraham Pinto, and the company Mts Administración Total, S.A.
According to the investigation carried out by the Homicide and Femicide Prosecutor’s Office, Polo, as an administrator of the PH, ordered Pinto to manipulate the gas keys, when the latter was not qualified for this type of work.
According to investigations, this caused an accumulation of gas that at 9:45 p.m. on May 31, 2019, explode causing The event caused the death of Marcelo, 10 months old, and burns to his brother Miguel Ignacio, 5, and his mother Karina Lima.
Miguel and Karina were sent to hospitals in the United States, to be treated by specialists, Both remained in the hospital for months and the treatment and recoveries were slow, arduous, and painful.
Homicide and Femicide prosecutor, Jorge Ferguson, explained that the theory of the case presented by the Public Ministry proved before that there was a handling of the building’s supply equipment by unsuitable personnel and that they did not comply with the required procedures.
Ferguson explained that the opening of the apartment’s gas taps was carried out despite warnings from neighbors and the PH’s own security of the existence of a strong smell of gas throughout the sector.
He alleged that it was even proven that there were shortcomings by the company in charge of the administration of the PH in the hiring of personnel to attend to aspects related to the gas pipelines.
The prosecutor stressed that the situation was confirmed by an expert report prepared by the Panama Fire Department, which detailed that only suitable and duly certified personnel can carry out pipe verification work for the gas supply.
A specialist from the National Institute of Training and Training for Human Development (Inadeh) also appeared, who confirmed that these works must be carried out by a certified plumber and not by an electrician or professional from another branch.
Those convicted can face penalties ranging from 3 to 6 years in prison.
In addition, the prosecutor’s office requested the suspension of the operating license of the company in charge of the administration of the PH.
Prosecutor Ferguson said that the sentence should serve as a turning point for compliance with safety regulations related to the supply of gas in homes.
The three-person trial court will read the sentence on April 28.