Court opens fraud case against FP directors
The Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases amended a sentence of the extinct Third Settlement Court for Criminal Cases and opened a criminal case against Mayte Pellegrini, Ricaurte Jaén, Oscar Rodríguez, West Valdés and Iván Clare, former directors of the liquidated brokerage house Financial Pacific (FP). for the alleged commission of the crime of aggravated fraud to the detriment of the company Caye International Bank.
In a resolution dated January 20, 2023, and signed by magistrate José Hoo Justiniani, the court based its decision on the fact that the defendants, allegedly through fraudulent machinations, induced the foreign company to transfer money to the account bank of a parallel company, which was not regulated or authorized by the Superintendence of the Stock Market (SMV) to carry out financial activities.
According to the ruling, there is evidence of the commission of a punishable act and indications that link those investigated with the facts investigated by the Public Ministry.
In addition, the court decided to maintain the precautionary measures preventing them from leaving the country imposed by the court of first instance.