Business Chamber asks ‘good faith’ in mining talks

Panama’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the latest association to join the growing number of voices calling for seriousness, maturity, and “good faith” in negotiations carried out by the Government with Minera Panama for the signing of a new concession contract for the exploitation of the copper mine in Donoso, Colón.
In their weekly newsletter, they highlight that, for more than two months, Panamanians have been carefully recording the limited information provided by both the National Government and Minera Panama in the negotiation process that involves them and that generates great repercussions at the national level.
“Due to the propaganda war between the parties, at present, the negotiations seem to have come to a halt, leading the parties to apply pressure measures that transcend negatively, not only in the image of the negotiation process but also in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Panamanians impacted by the situation and who remain on edge waiting for a resolution.
“That is why, the Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) makes an urgent call to resume ” in
‘good faith’ and redirect the negotiations and conclude these, bearing in mind that the best interests of the country should be above all.”
They add that both parties must stand up and look at the common good, knowing that in any negotiation it is necessary to give in one way or another, for the sake of understanding.
“The actions demonstrated so far seem to drive away any possibility of an agreement, thus impacting the vision of the nation, economic recovery and sustainable development; since it will also affect employment and increase the distrust of local and international investors. In this context, nobody wins, we all lose.”