5 dead including four-year-old in boat wreck



A boat carrying 18 people from Puerto Piña to Puerto Quimba in Darien capsized on Monday, February  19 leaving five dead including a four-year-old girl.

 The National Border Service (Senafront) reported that the shipwreck occurred in the Punta Caracoles sector, in the community of Jaqué, and was a consequence of strong waves. Senafront said that the boat, named “El Patrón”, set sail from Puerto Pina in the early hours of the morning with 18 people, all Panamanian. With the support of civilian boats, 13 people were rescued. The 13 people were treated at the Jaqué health center and had minor injuries. The captain of the boat was transferred to the Metropolitan Complex of the Social Security Fund for “better attention and psychological evaluation.