Gasoline subsidy extended for 44 days


The Cabinet Council approved on Tuesday, February 14 the extension of the subsidy that sets the price of fuel at $3.25 per gallon until April 1.

The benefit initially approved in July 2022 as part of the agreements of the single dialogue table, was in force until this Wednesday, February 15, and is now extended for 44 days.

“In order to maintain this price per gallon of fuel, the National Government makes a great effort and a fiscal sacrifice in order to alleviate the high costs of products and services to the general population, as well as relief for collective, selective transportation, collegiate and cargo ”, said a presidency statement.

In the midst of nationwide protests last July, due to the high cost of living, the Executive reached an agreement with the organizations to freeze the price of fuel at $3.25. The difference in the regular prices of 91 and 95 gasoline and diesel is assumed by the State.

So far, the State has subsidized $186.7 million for private vehicles and $139 million for public and commercial transportation.