Axe falls on prison staff after Friday shootings


After the shooting that left two dead in the La Joya and Nueva Joya prisons last Friday The Minister of Government, Roger Tejada announced Monday the dismissal of a director of a penitentiary center and the separation of the director of internal security due to anomalies that have been recorded.

He added that, in the last two weeks, 12 officials have been dismissed, including guards, psychologists, social workers, and officials of the Penitentiary Technical Board.

He says the authorities have assured that they intend to implement a million-dollar security system in the country’s penitentiary centers.

He regretted what happened, and said that together with the Ministry of Security and other authorities they toured the La Joya prison and were able to review the reports on the entry of prohibited items, and although it has seen a decrease, the goal is to bring it to zero.

He said that there is a plan at the technological level, with the intervention of international organizations, and recognized that there is a problem of corruption.

He announced that next week a bill ‘ National Resocialization Plan ‘ will be presented to the Penitentiary Technical Committee and then to the National Assembly for discussion. 

The minister also confirmed the dismissal of agents of the National Police, in addition, processes have been opened by the Ministry of Security.

“The dismissals are related to the introduction of articles, concessions to those deprived of liberty. In prisons there can be no perks, favors, or special treatment,” Tejada stressed.