A mandate for organized crime?


Despite the fact that the National Assembly flatly refuses to discuss it for years, the bill that creates the legislation for the extinction of illegal assets continues to give people something to talk about. Although there are arguments that reveal abuses that can be committed with this, the truth is that it is necessary to discuss it and, if necessary, reform the project to avoid abuses. But it is inadmissible to refuse to address an issue that is disrupting our democracy. There is evidence that drug trafficking has begun to sneak into our institutions, which facilitates its expansion and the recruitment of public servants who should fight it from their respective positions in the three organs of the State. In addition, by denying the country an instrument to suppress financial crimes, the banking system is greatly harmed. It, not counting the dirty money from criminal gangs that finance electoral campaigns, turning high-profile officials into their lackeys. Is that what is happening and that is why they are reluctant to touch the subject? Is this refusal to discuss the project a mandate from organized crime? Sometimes it is unavoidable to think about it – LA PRENSA, Feb. 12.