Panama justice in a bubble


Former President Ricardo Martinelli has joined the small group of former officials who intends to silence the media by seizing assets and bank accounts. Yesterday he wanted to do it with communicators from the digital information portal Foco, while in one of his newspapers, he reported a threat – not veiled – against this media outlet, boasting that the civil lawsuits that he has in progress and others that are coming will raise their claims to $50 million. This aspirant to lead this Panama again –recently singled out by the United States for its “significant” acts of corruption– shows us the spirit of what his imaginary government would be: persecute citizens, journalists, the media, and anyone who resists him because he does not tolerate anyone finding out about his judicial adventures in Panama and abroad. Those are his claims and it seems that no one in the courts dares to put an end to these abuses against freedom of the press, expression, and information. That is why, as is happening, justice comes from outside, because the local justice is as if it were in a bubble. It’s sad to admit it, but sometimes this country is embarrassing. –  LA PRENSA, Feb. 9.