Unpleasant surprises in Panama City Hall


When one believes that there can be no more unpleasant surprises in Panama City Hall, reality hits us hard in the face. The disaster of the current management could not be more evident and less painful. The mayor, known for his low tolerance, arrogance, and little common sense, now tells us, with a smile on his face, that last year’s investment budget was barely 37% executed, while that of operation –which includes payroll expenses– had no problem executing it in 87%. That is to say, this mayor serves more to spend than to invest. And, of course, he washes his hands, because he says that it is not his fault, but the bureaucracy, when his predecessor did much more than him in terms of investments and worked with much fewer people (about 1,600 officials fewer). These figures make it clear that the mayor of the capital city is incompetent, whose primary concern is not the needs of his constituents, but their pockets. Let’s hope this cheeky guy isn’t thinking about re-election and that after July 1, 2024, we never have to see him again. LA PRENSA, Feb. 4.