Martinelli in The United States crosshairs – Ruben Blades


“Martinelli will not be president of Panama again”,  said Panamanian singer-songwriter, Rubén Blades, reacting to the recent announcement by the United States that declared the ex-president “ineligible”, Ricardo Martinelli, “for being corrupt”.

The singer said he was not in the least surprised by the statement made by the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and recalled that he recently wrote that the condemnation of his children by US justice for accepting bribes and for “laundering” money, It was just the beginning of actions against the former president.

 Blades also indicated that it was likely that they already had an “indictment” prepared for him (a formal accusation for a crime considered serious).

In fact, he predicts that his partners and relatives, and all his businesses, are already in the crosshairs of the US authorities and probably all of them will end up on the “Clinton List” , something that would actually make them economic outcasts worldwide.