High waves and rip currents alert


The National Civil Protection System (SINAPROC) has  issued Prevention and Surveillance notice for waves, rip currents, and winds over the Panamanian Caribbean  from January 24 to January 27, in 

  • Eastern Caribbean: Guna Yala-Costa Arriba de Colon region (waves between 1.0 and 3.0 meters high).
  • Central Caribbean: North of Veraguas and Costa Abajo de Colón
  • Western Caribbean: Bocas del Toro and Ngäbe Bugle.

The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Panama (OMHPA) indicates that this is an update and extension of the watchdog for winds, waves, and rip currents in the Caribbean. 

They warn that the intensification of the wind over the Caribbean Sea (trade winds from the North) continues, generating an increase in waves and an increase in rip currents. 

Sinaproc recommends that bathers and artisanal boat captains avoid recreational activities at sea, anchor the boats in protected areas from high waves, and stay informed through official reports.