Over 12,000 migrants crossed Darién border in first 20 days


In the first 20 days of 2023, irregular migration across the Darién border was more than 12,000 s, said the deputy director of the National Migration Service, María Isabel Zaravia.

To date, there is an increase in nationals from Ecuador, Haiti, and Colombia, and no decrease is expected.

Saravia specified that the dynamics of the flow are already denoting changes to the two previous years; but the situation of the foreigners is the same, those who arrive want to continue their journey to the United States.

The number of irregular migrants who arrived in Panama on their way to the United States almost doubled in 2022, reaching a record of 248,000, and more than half were Venezuelans, the immigration authority reported Sunday.

The National Migration Service specified that 247,810 irregular migrants passed through that country, of which 150,289 were Venezuelans.