Canal tunnel will cost $528.6 million and take 5 years

The environmental impact study related to the tunnel through which line 3 of the subway will pass, between the provinces of Panama and Panama West, already has the approval of the Ministry of the Environment (Miambiente).

The 5-year project will cost $528.6 million. Within the study are the details of the new underground stations and the layout of the tunnel that would reach Panama Pacifico.

The project begins in an area close to the Albrook station, progressively lowering the level to start the underground route, and then going through the Balboa station, in Ancón, which will be built as part of the work.

Subsequently, the tunnel will pass under the watershed of the Canal, then ascend until it integrates with the alignment of the elevated viaduct and arrives at the Panama Pacifico station.

The 6.1 kilometers project of which the underground section is contemplated with a length of 5.3 kilometers.

The total area of ​​influence of the work, both direct and indirect, is about 657 hectares. Of that total, 144 hectares will have a direct influence.

The area of ​​direct influence is the area that will be intervened for the construction of the project and that corresponds to the space where the permanent and temporary works will be developed.

Another detail provided by the study is that the execution of the underground section, including the design, construction, and installation of systems and functional tests, will last 5 years. It will have an estimated cost of $528.6 million.

Currently, it is unknown when the works will start, but Rafael Sabonge, Minister of Public Works, stressed that the tunnel boring machine must arrive in July, and the tunnel “attack shaft” must start before that date.