Firefighters work through the night to control Free Zone fire


Firefighters from Panama and Colon fought through the night to control the spread of a major blaze that began at  7 am on Tuesday, January 10, in several warehouses located in France Field, Colon Free Zone (ZLC).

The main problem in mitigating the fire is that the hydrants in the free zone did not have the proper water pressure to fight the blaze in  6 of the 10 ZLC  warehouses. The firefighters received the collaboration of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and tankers from the National Aqueducts and Sewers Institute (Idaan).

Residents of the Arco Irise community evacuated their homes due to the toxic smoke emanating from the fire.

To quell this incident, the help of firefighters from Sabanitas, Alto de Los Lagos, Davis, the capital city

The road to enter the city of Colón through the corridor road had to be closed and drivers had to use the internal highway of the Arco Iris community or the Margarita road.