COVID-19: Metropolitan Health Region near 2,000 active cases

The Metropolitan Health Region registered Wednesday  1,950 active cases of Covid-19 in the midst of the sixth wave of the pandemic.

It was reported that of the 1,950 active, there is a high incidence in the corregimientos of Juan Diaz, Don Bosco, San Francisco, Bella Vista, and Ancón. There are 72 people hospitalized due to the virus.

The latest epidemiological report issued by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), says that between December 11 and 17, 4,990 new infections were registered.

The total active cases nationwide reported until Saturday, December 17, were 6,761.

The health authorities remind the population that health teams continue to apply free vaccines against influenza and covid-19 in the Health Centers of the Minsa and Polyclinics of the Social Security Fund