Non-metallic mining concessions need controls


Given the large number of non-metallic mining concessions (sand, stone, rough, etc.), the country should be better prepared, since often the extraction of these materials becomes an environmental problem. This is not to mention that, in many cases, concessions of this type are obtained through influence peddling. It is not uncommon for the exploitation of these resources to be carried out without supervision or inspections and what the State obtains in return is even ridiculous, considering the ecological damage caused by unscrupulous companies that deplete resources regardless of the consequences, precisely because there is a lack of government supervision or because those who abuse are politicians or relatives and, consequently, there is no punishment. The Ministry of Environment, the Directorate of Mineral Resources, and the National Assembly should agree on stricter supervision laws and modify what the State receives since it is evident that the compensation for the community is insignificant. If the Government’s policy is that Panama should receive fair treatment in relation to metallic mining, it should also be so for non-metallic mining, because in both cases there are arbitrary acts.