Private enterprise union seeks clarity on mining talks

The National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep), has added its voice to the growing concern over the Minera Panama negotiations. It raised the importance of defining the benefits for the country, that uncertainty ends and the legal security of the investment is guaranteed, shortly after the expiration of the term to finalize a new contract between the State and the mining company.

In a statement, the union stressed that it is also important to act thinking about what is best for the country and to reach an agreement that also guarantees job stability for more than 30,000 workers and the possibility for thousands of suppliers to continue their operations.

“Citizens do not have concrete news about the course of the negotiations and this produces a deep and dangerous uncertainty,” they point out.

For Conep, questions such as: What will happen if there is no agreement? Is the State looking for another operator? How will international markets react to a change? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered clearly.