Exclusive refueling of cruise ships deemed unfair

The exclusivity granted to the company Monjasa for the bunkering of cruise ships in the cruise ports of Amador and Colón, by the company Colón 2000, with the apparent endorsement of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), has been classified as an unfair practice “that threatens free competition”, in accordance with the law and the Constitution.”
The international cruise company Carnival has already shown its surprise at the exclusivity that Monjasa has had since October 22 for ships that enter both ports. The company has asked to encourage open access to all authorized bunker providers, in Panama.
According to Iria Barrancos Domingo, a maritime lawyer and former president of the Panamanian Association of Maritime Law (Apademar), the fact that the concessionaire (in this case Colón 2000) is authorized to provide the fuel supply service and lubricants in the concession contract, cannot be understood as a grant of exclusivity and, therefore, cannot prevent users from contracting services from third parties that meet the requirements established by the National Secretariat of Energy, which is the sole governing body. of the energy sector, such as hydrocarbons, oil, and its derivatives.