Tour operators demand emergency meeting after Amador boondoggle


The  Panamanian Association of Tour Operators has called for an emergency meeting with the Tourism Authority (ATP)due to the terrible logistics of loading and unloading carried out Saturday, December 3 in the new Amador port reports TVN.

The association criticized the fact that the arrival of the Home Port operation was known several years in advance, however, the port was not ready and there was never an inspection of the possible areas for the reception and delivery of passengers in the port.

There was a total absence of the Panama Tourism Authority, the entity that governs this activity that must have trained personnel and be placed to collaborate in logistics and support service providers says an Association statement.

“The fact that the passengers were transferred to the Amador Convention Center was an improvised initiative and perhaps with good intentions, but very poorly developed, exposing the lack of knowledge in this type of activity and causing the general annoyance of all passengers. and the alteration of the logistics of all the receptive operators”, said the union.

The complaint follows an earlier incident when seven passengers were injured when crossing a footbridge.

Tourism is an activity in which all authorized and legally established persons/companies must have the same opportunity says the association.  The ACP has not responded to the request.