Sixth wave of COVID – 19 arrives in Panama

 The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, reported on Wednesday, November 16, that the country is going through the sixth wave of Covid-19.

The announcement by the Minister of Health is due to the fact that in recent weeks an increase in positivity in cases has been reflected in Panama. He recommended not letting your guard down and reinforcing biosecurity measures.

According to the latest epidemiological report from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), corresponding to week 45 (Sunday, November 6 to Saturday, November 12, 22), 1,372 positive cases were reported in 17,968 tests for a percentage of positivity of 

There were six covid-19 deaths six in the last week.

The isolated patients are 1,495 this week, while people in the Covid ward increased by 92 per day and in the Intensive Care Unit, there are 7.

The corregimientos with the most active cases in the country are Juan Díaz (20), San Francisco (20), Ancón (18), Don Bosco (12) and Bella Vista (11), all from the province of Panama.