7 new cases of monkeypox bring total to 34


Seven new cases of monkeypox were reported by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Tuesday, November 15 raising the number of accumulated cases to 34.

According to Minsa, 17 of the cases are active in isolation, 3 are hospitalized due to their clinical condition and risk factors, and 14 are in home isolation.

The new cases are  males between the ages of 31 and 53 

Only on November 12, the Ministry of Health, through the Epidemiology department, reported 5 new cases. These cases correspond to the male sex between the ages of 29 and 47 years.

The transmission of monkeypox can be caused by skin lesions, from one infected person to another, by respiratory and body fluids; and also through infected clothing or any surface that has been in contact with the lesions.