Student assistance a political tool


The Ifarhu ( Student aidprogram ) is under public scrutiny due to the abuses committed against students who need non-reimbursable economic aid, but the director of the institution prefers to give it to the relatives of politicians, especially the ruling party.

Despite the questions, the demands for investigation, criticism and recriminations, the Ifarhu will have a budget that is clearly electoral. At a time when the health, education and scientific sectors are asking for more resources —which are systematically denied—, the Ifarhu receives budget increases for the pre-election year: hundreds of millions of dollars, which far exceed the budgets of the Judicial Branch or the Attorney General’s Office. General and dozens of state entities. Two fingers of brain are enough to understand why, an institution without credibility, receives millionaire raises. It seems that there was an intention to dispossess the State to spend on electoral campaigns under the complicit gaze of the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office. The party in power tells us in the face that it does not matter if the citizens demand accountability. Their message loud and clear is that they are the ones in charge and they are not accountable to anyone. – LA PRENSA.