‘Economic Aid’ scandal still dogs President Cortizo


The scandal of the ‘economic aid’ that the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu) gave to children, relatives and close associates of elected officials continues to dog the Cortizo government with the latest revelation that an applicant who was twice denied aid by Panama obtained a more difficult Fulbright Scholarship.

Ángel Ortega, who applied twice to different governments to obtain economic aid, and e was never one of the chosen ones. Ortega expressed his frustration, although he said he was not surprised because the politicization of scholarships and economic aid is not an issue exclusive to this government, but to others that use Ifarhu as political loot. 

He said that he persevered and applied twice, assuring that both processes took months without obtaining a response, however, now he sees endorsements from the Comptroller General of the Republic in only eight days.

Ortega hopes that this scandal will not be just another one and that something will be done, since many low-income people depend on the aid to be able to study, reporting that in the face of Ifarhu’s refusal, he applied for a “Fullbright” scholarship from the United States government, and although more difficult to obtain, he was able to achieve it, ensuring that it is a process with more transparency.

Regarding the statements made by President Cortizo on the issue, Ortega said that the president lacks leadership, is highly incapable of being self-critical, and borders on pandering to the directors and ministers he is presiding over.

“Saying that everything is fixed in Ifarhu, ridicules the clamor of society that this is fixed”, he said.

He regretted that the political class uses the excuse that the things that happen today happened in the past. He questioned why, if president ‘Nito’ Cortizo is the ruler of the country, he does not know who the beneficiaries were, since, if he called his director, he could request a report on who benefited and what the amounts were.

He added that political will is needed to be able to make the Ifarhu processes transparent, because, although there are bills to do so, they are not discussed or approved.

 Ortega said that transparency is something that has been lacking in this government that went to speak lies to the United Nations Organization.