Justifying scholarships to family members and the well to do

The director of Ifarhu, with the utmost impudence in his arguments, has tried to justify the scandalous sums of money that he has given to politicians from his government and to former officials who, being able to comfortably pay for their children’s studies, have benefited from the gift of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the detriment of students who really need those funds. His arguments are abhorrently cynical, since he has not only handled this whole matter with absolute discretion but has also awarded scholarships to his closest family. This gentleman must be reminded that in a State institution not only the legal aspect must be taken care of, but also the moral one. And as much as he repeats that his management of non-reimbursable economic aid has been legal, his actions are morally questionable and reprehensible. If tomorrow people who have lost their jobs demand scholarships for their children on the streets, what will you tell them? That there is no money? What can’t help them? That for politicians, there is “aid” and for those who really need it there isn’t? With what morality would you tell them something like that? These are the misdeeds that lead people to close streets because disappointment makes them understand that they never were and never will be a priority. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 27.