Depriving needy students of assisstance


Months ago, La Prensa asked the director of  Ifarhu for a list of beneficiaries of each non-reimbursable “financial aid” that was greater than $50,000. The director, alleging the protection of the privacy of privileged scholars, refused to release information of a public nature. He’s not the only one; there are many officials who, with the same excuse, have refused to report on the use of state resources. The audacity of these public servants is only possible when the authorities allow these abuses because everyone who receives money from the State renounces confidentiality, since the funds they use belong to the community and, therefore, protect their privacy is absurd.

This opacity allows situations such as those that have been denounced in networks and media, about the use of Ifarhu money, delivered to students whose parents are civil servants with economic solvency that allows them to pay for those studies. The one who approves these “economic aids” is the director of the Ifarhu and the one who endorses them is the Comptroller of the Republic. Both could have denied it, but they chose to go easy on themselves and sponsor the blatant theft of opportunity from students who do need help but are far removed from the government and the party. Their hypocrisy and insensitivity know no bounds  – LA PRENSA, Oct.21