Minimum wage madness struck down

The special legislation promoted by two deputies of the ruling party PRD to benefit port personnel with a higher minimum wage than the rest of the workers was clearly a privilege and a contempt for the Tripartite Minimum Wage Commission. The Supreme Court of Justice, at the request of the Executive itself, declared it unconstitutional.

 In addition to creating a clear privilege that the Political Constitution prohibits, laws like these could set the terrible precedent of the National Assembly unilaterally deciding the minimum wages in all trades and professions. In addition to the fact that it is not their role to deliberate on these issues, the deputies have shown a lack of criteria and common sense to handle such specialized issues

 They are unaware of the consequences of wage increases and their effects on the general state budget, inflation, job creation, and on economic activity in general. If it were so easy to set minimum wages, there would be no negotiating tables or collective agreements, or all the apparatus around this issue. These deputies promote laws for patronage purposes, without studies of any kind. The Court acted this time with prudence, sanity, and good sense. – LA PRENSA, Oct. 14.