The arrival of cruise ships could generate over $10 million for Panama

The last quarter of the year marks the beginning of the cruise season. According to the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP), about 44 vessels will be arriving in the country and will anchor in the ports of Amador, Colón 2000, San Cristóbal, Yacht Club Lago Gatún, among others.
Estimates of the economic impact that these ships, mostly from Europe and the United States, could be above $10 million dollars.
Thaysie Gómez, director of Tourist Companies of the ATP, told TVN that this cruise season will last until next May 2023 and luxury vessels are expected to arrive, which travel with up to 80 passengers, who incur different expenses during their stay in the country.
Gómez pointed out that there are cruise lines that carry out base port operations, that is, these people arrive in the country and stay for several days before embarking, giving them to have the opportunity to discover the attractions that the country offers.
Positive activity
In addition, he said, the cruise season is a positive activity for the entire value chain of the tourism sector: transportation, restaurants, tour guides, travel agencies, and shopping malls, among others.”
“It is a great opportunity for the country to open its doors and show its best face with a good welcome and customer service, inviting them to discover the rich biodiversity of the territory, its history, its varied gastronomy, which is also a way of promoting country, encouraging tourists to return to their nation with an excellent impression of the country”, concluded Gómez.
The entity assured that during this season it will be supervising from the different ports so that the best possible service is provided to visitors and that the experience they have during their visit is pleasant and with the best possible quality and safety standards.