Carnivals and parades will return in 2023

During a work tour in the district of Chepo, President, Laurentino Cortizo, announced that he gave authorization for carnivals, the Festival of a Thousand Polleras, fair events, and parades to be held next year.

Cortizo said: “I take the opportunity to announce to those who are interested in the carnival, we are going to have carnivals. Those who are interested in the Thousand Polleras, we are going to have the Thousand Polleras. Those who are interested in fairs with parades, we are going to have them,”

Cortizo highlighted that the percentage of positivity for Covid-19, which is currently below 5%, has allowed the decision to be made.

A few weeks ago, the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, had indicated that he was going to work on a plan to carry out these festivities and that he was awaiting authorization from the president reports TVN.

The next carnivals will be held in Panama from February 18 to 21, 2023.

To safeguard the life and health of the population, the National Government did not allow the celebration of carnivals in 2021 and 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The announcement of the celebration of the carnivals in 2023 was made shortly before the end of the delivery of benefits in the Community Work Tour (GTC) Tierra Adentro in Las Margaritas de Chepo.

At the Chepo GTC,  Ivette Berrio announced the delivery of the Chepo Polycenter expansion project, with an investment of $2,334,828.

The work will benefit 23,842 inhabitants, and was completed in the month of August and is pending inauguration.