Copa launches new flights to Mexico



Copa Airlines has already recovered more than 90% of the frequencies it operated between the Tocumen International Airport and Mexico.  before the covid pandemic. 

Maria Luisa Navarro, senior director of government relations at Copa said that they currently offer 90 weekly frequencies from the connection center in Tocumen and the Aztec nation.

The airline maintains operations to the cities of Cancun, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and the State of Mexico, remaining to resume flights to Puerto Vallarta.

On Monday the company made the first flight to the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) in the Mexican capital, which is 45 minutes from Benito Juárez. The new frequency will be served with 3 weekly flights (Monday, Thursday and Saturday).

Navarro commented that the reserves in the short and medium term for the new route to AIFA exceed 85%, which reflects the demand for more connections to the metropolitan area of ​​Mexico.

The plane that left the runway in Tocumen on Sunday night came from Mexico. The aircraft was carrying 157 passengers, of which 80 had Panama City as their final destination and the rest would make connections to other destinations.

Navarro said that the company is working with the Civil Aviation Authority to determine the cause of the incident.

Regarding the flight to AIFA, the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, indicated that the new airport has the necessary infrastructure to improve and generate airport, complementary and commercial services to meet current demand.

When he assumed the presidency of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador decided to cancel the construction of the Mexico City International Airport (NAICM), one of the largest works of his predecessor Enrique Peña Nieto, due to alleged cost overruns and acts of corruption during the execution of the project.