Panama tracking groups attacking migrants in Darién



Panamanian authorities are on the trail of groups dedicated to assaulting migrants, who only seek to pass through Panama to the United States said the Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino,  on Saturday during a work tour in the province of Darién.

We have flown over the area where the incidents have occurred, we are working based on the descriptions given to us by those affected, who heard people with Colombian, Venezuelan and Panamanian accents with indigenous features,” Pino said.

He said that “instructions have been issued to reinforce security at the points where events against migrants have been recorded, and there have been tings with the  chiefs and zailas of the regions, to work together and give information about these cases”.

The tour to Darién that had the objective of reinforcing security in different communities in the border areas due to the volume of migrants passing through.Tours of the reception camps in Metetí, Darién, were also carried out to supervise the care given to migrants.

To date, more than 134,000 migrants have entered Panama, surpassing last year’s figure when 133,726 passed through.

In the months of July, August and September, there has been a marked increase in migrants, who are mostly from Venezuela, Africa, and Haiti, according to data from the Ministry of Security.